So who are the brilliant people behind Una?


The Platform Ninja

A curious geek, Soedar loves experimenting (and be frustrated) with new technologies, and absolutely adores beautful and elegant code. He has spent a year in San Francisco building engaging math games on the iOS platform. When not tinkering, you can see him obsessing over Hayley Williams and her bright orange hair.

Le Viet Tien

The Hacker Ninja

A fun loving geek, Viet Tien is passionate about making applications and Software Engineering in general. He has some hands-on experience developing on the iOS platform and web, mostly worked as a ninja monkey coder. He desperately wants to have the ability of a gardener: to kill ALL the "bugs". He really hates slow walking. Oh, his Dota skills are not bad either.

Tay Yang Shun

The UI/UX Ninja

A driven and creative person, Yang Shun's two main passions lie in coding and designing. He has developed a few apps for the iOS platform and has extensive experience in graphic designing having performed freelance design tasks and winning design competitions. He spent a year in Silicon Valley as a Software Engineering intern at a bay area startup, exploring front-end web development technologies and is currently building beautiful kickass sites, such as this site.

Soon Chun Mun

The All-star Ninja

Really, why is anyone reading this? You're better off doing your 3216 blog or maybe finally do some homework, a game or two, or a beer with friends. But then again you're probably bored, so here's a question - How do you waste 10 seconds of a person's life.